Thursday, October 6, 2016

EntrepTV: A must-see show for aspiring entrepreneurs

It’s pretty amazing when you see youngsters getting into business early on while at the peak of their youth. While most their age would probably indulge into gimmicks, business-minded  friends Jeddina “Jade” Bigay and Zyrus Ramos took a path less travelled—both ventured into media production via Lara at Juan (Larawan) Media Productions which also produced EntrepTV, a television show being aired every Saturday at PTV 4 which focuses on using one’s passion and turning it into a profitable endeavour. They feature random stories from small to large scale type of businesses that aims to inspire everyone to become business oriented and to start their own business.

EntrepTv host and executive producer Jeddina "Jade" Bigay

 In this day and age, it is extremely difficult to invest money into a new business venture and turn them into highly profitable entities in returns for a percentage of both business and profit. What they feature on EntrepTV are great in-depth lessons for all aspiring entrepreneurs. The said show puts an emphasis on the three P’s of business—Passion, Process and Product—the triangular mantra for any startup business.